Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hello World!

OK – I figured since I have nothing else to do, (insert sarcasm here) I am going to start a blog. I am going to try and use this as my electronic journal. I love to physically write in a journal…I hope I can successfully jump on the technology bandwagon and continue with this blog…we shall see!!

My life consists of a loving husband who is busier than he can handle, two of the most beautiful boys, a full-time job as a marketing communications and research manager and another full-time job trying to attain the title of Super Mom!

I keep stating the same thing over and over again, and I am hoping that this blog will help me find the answer – what is my calling? I hear myself repeating, “I need to find myself”. I don’t know if I just keep saying this because it sounds good but I do feel like there is another justification for me to be here…that I should be trying to find out what (career???) would make me more “useful”, or should I say “content”?

I want to learn to speak Spanish, but then again – maybe the language of choice should be Mandarin Chinese because it was chosen above French as the language to teach at Planet Kids. Please note: Planet Kids is my sons’ preschool…LOL.

I want to be the stay at home mom so I CAN run at 8 am instead of drive past the “lucky” runners and walkers on Lyons Road as I head off to work. But am I really going to run at 8 am? That is not a valid enough reason to leave my decent-paying full-time job that allows for our family’s health insurance…that is a give in.

I want to get to the gym at least 2x a week…my issue is that it would have to be at night after the boys go to bed which is after 8:30pm. That is a drag within itself, so there really is no motivation. I guess I could go during lunch but that may be gross too…
Is this just a ranting, raving complaint session? I hope that it isn’t – I hope this blog brings me to “the light” ha-ha. We shall see…

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